| |
Filing Date | Transaction Date | Insider Name | Ownership Type | Securities | Nature of transaction | Volume or Value | Price |
Feb 5/25 | Jan 31/25 | Prichard, John Robert Stobo | Direct Ownership | Rights Deferred Share Units | 30 - Acquisition under a purchase/ownership plan | 381 | |
Jan 28/25 | Jan 15/25 | Prichard, John Robert Stobo | Direct Ownership | Rights Deferred Share Units | 30 - Acquisition under a purchase/ownership plan | 328 | |
Jan 16/25 | Dec 31/24 | Webster, Colin | Direct Ownership | Common Shares Class A | 30 - Acquisition under a purchase/ownership plan | 125 | $26.32 |
Jan 16/25 | Dec 31/24 | Thompson, Rebecca | Direct Ownership | Common Shares Class A | 30 - Acquisition under a purchase/ownership plan | 145 | $26.32 |
Jan 16/25 | Dec 31/24 | Tang, Grace | Direct Ownership | Common Shares Class A | 30 - Acquisition under a purchase/ownership plan | 134 | $26.32 |
Jan 16/25 | Dec 31/24 | Sherry, Lynsey Suzanne | Direct Ownership | Common Shares Class A | 30 - Acquisition under a purchase/ownership plan | 135 | $26.32 |
Jan 16/25 | Dec 31/24 | Parsons, Scott Russell Gordon | Direct Ownership | Common Shares Class A | 30 - Acquisition under a purchase/ownership plan | 180 | $26.32 |
Jan 16/25 | Dec 31/24 | Paulse, Adrian | Direct Ownership | Common Shares Class A | 30 - Acquisition under a purchase/ownership plan | 156 | $26.32 |
Jan 16/25 | Dec 31/24 | Parsons, Scott Kyle | Direct Ownership | Common Shares Class A | 30 - Acquisition under a purchase/ownership plan | 179 | $26.32 |
Jan 16/25 | Dec 31/24 | McCluskey, John | Direct Ownership | Common Shares Class A | 30 - Acquisition under a purchase/ownership plan | 513 | $26.32 |
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Filing Date | Transaction Date | Insider Name | Ownership Type | Securities | Nature of transaction | Volume or Value | Price |
Feb 5/25 | Jan 31/25 | Prichard, John Robert Stobo | Direct Ownership | Rights Deferred Share Units | 30 - Acquisition under a purchase/ownership plan | 381 | |
Jan 28/25 | Jan 15/25 | Prichard, John Robert Stobo | Direct Ownership | Rights Deferred Share Units | 30 - Acquisition under a purchase/ownership plan | 328 | |
Jan 16/25 | Dec 31/24 | Webster, Colin | Direct Ownership | Common Shares Class A | 30 - Acquisition under a purchase/ownership plan | 125 | $26.32 |
Jan 16/25 | Dec 19/24 | Webster, Colin | Direct Ownership | Common Shares Class A | 30 - Acquisition under a purchase/ownership plan | 36 | $26.06 |
Jan 16/25 | Dec 19/24 | Webster, Colin | Direct Ownership | Rights Rights Performance Share Units | 30 - Acquisition under a purchase/ownership plan | 78 | $26.06 |
Jan 16/25 | Dec 19/24 | Webster, Colin | Direct Ownership | Rights Restricted Share Units | 30 - Acquisition under a purchase/ownership plan | 24 | $26.06 |
Jan 16/25 | Dec 31/24 | Thompson, Rebecca | Direct Ownership | Common Shares Class A | 30 - Acquisition under a purchase/ownership plan | 145 | $26.32 |
Jan 16/25 | Dec 19/24 | Thompson, Rebecca | Direct Ownership | Common Shares Class A | 30 - Acquisition under a purchase/ownership plan | 13 | $26.06 |
Jan 16/25 | Dec 19/24 | Thompson, Rebecca | Direct Ownership | Rights Rights Performance Share Units | 30 - Acquisition under a purchase/ownership plan | 53 | $26.06 |
Jan 16/25 | Dec 19/24 | Thompson, Rebecca | Direct Ownership | Rights Restricted Share Units | 30 - Acquisition under a purchase/ownership plan | 23 | $26.06 |
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