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Latest 10 SEC filings (by transaction date) for COOP within the last 6 months | |
Amended Filing Footnote and/or Remark |
Filing Date | Transaction Date | Insider Name | Ownership Type | Securities | Nature of transaction | Volume or Value | Price |
Aug 30/24 | Aug 29/24 | Bray Jesse K | Indirect Ownership | Common Stock | S - Open market or private sale | -25,000 | $92.57 |
Jul 30/24 | Jul 29/24 | Bray Jesse K | Indirect Ownership | Common Stock | S - Open market or private sale | -25,000 | $92.12 |
Jul 1/24 | Jun 28/24 | Bray Jesse K | Indirect Ownership | Common Stock | S - Open market or private sale | -25,000 | $80.93 |
May 30/24 | May 29/24 | Bray Jesse K | Indirect Ownership | Common Stock | S - Open market or private sale | -25,000 | $81.42 |
May 24/24 | May 23/24 | Scheiwe Steven D | Direct Ownership | Common Stock | A - Grant, award or other under Rule 16b-3(d) | 1,499 | |
May 24/24 | May 23/24 | Olson Tagar | Direct Ownership | Common Stock | A - Grant, award or other under Rule 16b-3(d) | 1,499 | |
May 24/24 | May 23/24 | Mujumdar Shveta | Direct Ownership | Common Stock | A - Grant, award or other under Rule 16b-3(d) | 1,499 | |
May 24/24 | May 23/24 | Malone Michael D | Direct Ownership | Common Stock | A - Grant, award or other under Rule 16b-3(d) | 1,499 | |
May 24/24 | May 23/24 | Jorge Daniela | Direct Ownership | Common Stock | A - Grant, award or other under Rule 16b-3(d) | 1,499 | |
May 24/24 | May 23/24 | Guthrie Roy A | Direct Ownership | Common Stock | A - Grant, award or other under Rule 16b-3(d) | 1,499 | |
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Latest 10 SEC filings (by filing date) for COOP within the last 6 months | |
Amended Filing Footnote and/or Remark |
Filing Date | Transaction Date | Insider Name | Ownership Type | Securities | Nature of transaction | Volume or Value | Price |
Aug 30/24 | Aug 29/24 | Bray Jesse K | Indirect Ownership | Common Stock | S - Open market or private sale | -25,000 | $92.57 |
Jul 30/24 | Jul 29/24 | Bray Jesse K | Indirect Ownership | Common Stock | S - Open market or private sale | -25,000 | $92.12 |
Jul 1/24 | Jun 28/24 | Bray Jesse K | Indirect Ownership | Common Stock | S - Open market or private sale | -25,000 | $80.93 |
May 30/24 | May 29/24 | Bray Jesse K | Indirect Ownership | Common Stock | S - Open market or private sale | -25,000 | $81.42 |
May 24/24 | May 23/24 | Scheiwe Steven D | Direct Ownership | Common Stock | A - Grant, award or other under Rule 16b-3(d) | 1,499 | |
May 24/24 | May 23/24 | Olson Tagar | Direct Ownership | Common Stock | A - Grant, award or other under Rule 16b-3(d) | 1,499 | |
May 24/24 | May 23/24 | Mujumdar Shveta | Direct Ownership | Common Stock | A - Grant, award or other under Rule 16b-3(d) | 1,499 | |
May 24/24 | May 23/24 | Malone Michael D | Direct Ownership | Common Stock | A - Grant, award or other under Rule 16b-3(d) | 1,499 | |
May 24/24 | May 23/24 | Jorge Daniela | Direct Ownership | Common Stock | A - Grant, award or other under Rule 16b-3(d) | 1,499 | |
May 24/24 | May 23/24 | Guthrie Roy A | Direct Ownership | Common Stock | A - Grant, award or other under Rule 16b-3(d) | 1,499 | |
Sign up or login above to see all SEC filings within the past 6 months. |
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Competitors with Recent Insider Filings |
Firstcash Holdings (OQ:FCFS) |
UWM Holdings (N:UWMC) |
Enova International (N:ENVA) |