Some filing email alerts are not being delivered

Some of our email filing alerts are not being sent out to Insider Tracking Advantage and Advantage Ultra members. The issue appears to be happening primarily with US filings made in the late afternoon or evening. Our technical team is continuing to work on finding a solution to the problem. In the meantime, please check the website regularly to monitor filings for stocks on your watch list.

We will post a notice on the InsiderTracking website when we believe the issue has been resolved.

We have applied a fix to the mulitple alerts issue and will continue to monitor the situation.
Some Advantage users are receiving multiple email alerts for the same filing. We are investigating.
Some US filing alerts were not being distributed. We have applied a fix and are monitorinng the situation.
Some Advantage users are receiving multiple email alerts for the same filing. We are investigating.

Watch list service ending for basic accounts

Starting June 15th, our watch list service which provides email alerts for insider filings and company press releases will no longer be available for free Basic account holders. If you are currently an Insider Tracking Advantage or Advantage Ultra paying subscriber please ignore this email.

Tonight on Insider Tracking: Real Vision Briefing on the global recession

According to one of the brightest minds in macro investing, markets may already be moving out of their hope phase. That is the theme we have heard today on INK Ultra Money.

If you have not checked out Insider Tracking's video-on-demand service called INK Ultra Money, take a look at tonight's free Real Vision Daily Briefing. Real Vision's Ash Bennington and Managing Editor Ed Harrison discuss Raoul Pal's Expert View, "Global Recession - What's Next?" If you missed or did not have access to today's premium Real Vision expert view with Raoul Pal, watch this timely free summary of Raoul's analysis where Ash and Ed take into account today's market activity. 

Some email alerts are being duped. We are investigating and apologize for the inconvenience.


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